
By Anonymoose

Suicide Milk

William's jags went ok this morning. Nothing major to report other than the doctor who was meant to examine him at the same time had phoned in sick - so we have to reschedule that part. This doctor's only in once a week and does 4 checkups on that day - so it's likely to be a few weeks before they can fit us in. So what used to be a 6 week checkup - now done at 8 weeks - he is now going to get at 11 or 12 weeks...

Pictured is the milk shelf in our local Scotmid....

After the doctors I went in to pick up something and one of this milk bottle's neighbours decided to leap from the shelf and explode on the floor next to us. (Note the interesting stacking technique)... Both William and I covered head to toe in the white stuff. The only thing worse was the shops lame response to the situation. They shouldn't really have to be reminded to apologise in these situations now should they?

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