The West End

Today we had 12 hours of prayer in San An, so all took 3 hour slots... This photo is down the infamous West End strip, this street gives Ibiza the reputation it has, and is what most of Britain think most  of Ibiza is like (which it's not!)...just 1 street!! Anyway, I had a great 3 hours...Danny brought Asha to me straight from school, so we could hand over...she fell asleep on the bus home and was SO hard to wake!
Then this evening we met up with the Cana Club guys....and great to see a few of the Roma guys too!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) José from Sa Penya wanting to have a drink with us before we go to the UK for Christmas.
2) How stimulating the prayer time in San An was.
3) Being tucked up in bed with a cup of tea. 

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