Just What I Needed
What every one truly needs whilst they have 16 house guests is a terrible storm with seventy five mile per hour winds and the loss of power for over six hours now and counting. It is best when you lose this power just as you start to prepare dinner. It makes cooking a bit more challenging. Luckily, the barbecue still worked as did the wood fired oven and the gas fired stove. I pulled off dinner as planned but had to scrap my plans for a campfire blip and instead got a shot of people gathering around one of the lanterns that kept us in the know. The best news is that our wine pull still worked and has been used often this evening.
Our power and water service will likely be out for a while and my generator is also on the fritz. You cannot plan for things such as this.
This storm was a doozy and it hit without warning. Forty five minutes before the brunt of the storm, it was sunny as could be as I pulled the kids and guests on the tube. I walked the property after dinner and we lost over a dozen trees including a seventy year old pine just outside our living room window. But the house is fine and my extended family is as well and laughs were heard often and loudly throughout the evening. This is what matters most. Everyone now is curled up in bed, some reading by candle light.
I uploaded this image on my iPad, played with it a bit on the new iPhoto app and am sending it via my 3G connection. There is only so much one can do with an image such as this. My refrigerators with hundreds of dollars of food do not work tonight but I can post my blip. Wondrous are the marvels of modern technology. I had planned a few hours on blip tonight but Mother Nature changed my plans. See you tomorrow I guess and hope.
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