Finger licking good

I'm ashamed to say that Cousteau, Pio and I had a good sleep in this morning. I was going to get up, but Pio decided that he wanted cuddles. Since Pio isn't often in the mood for cuddles, I figured we should capitalise on his snuggliness.

I got up and dressed, but didn't bother brushing my hair or putting any makeup on . What a slob!

Then JL came round for a coffee so I figured I should probably make myself a little more presentable.

I went round to Es' house and got my Baby J cuddle fix.

He's just getting to the stage where he wants to suck everything. Here he is trying to get both of his hands and his mum's finger into his mouth at the same time! What a cutie.

Anyway, am just trying to decide if I can be bothered to go out to a meeting tonight. Quite liking the idea of making a hearty tea and watching a movie.

It's lovely and warm in my living room and it's cold and wet outside ...

Night all.

Edit: 10.36 pm - big roller of an EQ in Welly. Take care any Wellington blippers.

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