
Oddly, My Love chose 'Bauble' for today's challenge. Odd because Christmas doesn't register with either of us, we are blissfully indifferent about the day everyone spends weeks preparing for.

I took the opportunity to blip the bauble on the Tesco foyer Christmas tree as we popped in there earlier. As I got lost in the world of sparkly baubles I heard a voice say 'look at that strange woman taking photos of the Christmas tree'... Feeling suddenly self aware, I turned to see, with relief, one of my lovely work colleagues. Thanks, Marion for making me chuckle :)

In other news - Another day of horsing. Willie & Rosie both ridden out in the company of Djego and all quite chilled. Then a play about in the yard with Nettie & Ruby, the humans causing some amusement before a lead out. They are really doing well - You can see them processing all the information each time they are out. Thanks, Debby for the horse time and the chuckles :)

Now go check out what Lukearse has done for our three way challenge.

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