
By tookie

Pondering this.....

I really loved this piece of E. E. Cummings and it reminded me of my own mother's words that she loved....that went something like this....above all thine own self be true.  It's a struggle in our modern day world of world pressures, of monied congressional lobbys , temptations that portray greed and wealth and opulence as signs of success and actual must really sift the rubble about and hold true to a morality sytem based on human kindness amidst enormous attemps to stamp that out...not to let fear define what your heart knows to be false.  Opening our hearts to those who differ from those in need ..need of a home, a country, the love of what only good hearted humans can give.  yes..."tis the season and we must not forget that and we must NOT close our doors to refugees no matter where they flee from.  In my heart I know what I need to stand for....and speak out for.
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