Beyond the swings
The day started quietly and mid morning S and I went to pay for and collect something she had bought from TradeMe (NZ's version of eBay). Went from there to one of the big malls before heading home for lunch, after which I wrote an email to the Bank and cringed at the size of my tax bill.
More reading today. Also, I arranged with Council that I could resume handling requests for advice, and by the end of the day had had four such requests sent through. Will help the brain return to normal mode, although I have found that practice has improved my ability to solve the Guardian cryptics; even those set by Paul.
Last day of school for the year for Young L, and he his brother and mother came to the apartment where he was persistently restless and mildly irritating. So I invited the boys to come with me to the park where they could play, and I could wander with my camera.
That is whereI saw the beautiful flax flowers through the frame of the chains of one of the swings in the bank of swings. As I was getting myself set up, a sparrow flew into the flax and started to take nectar or more likely eat little insects around the flowers. I have cropped this and adjusted the white balance slightly.
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