Sue's Images



I met up with my friend, Steph, from Camera Club, for a coffee in M&S in Cwmbran this morning and I'm glad to say she was feeling much better after her recent losses.  Afterwards we had a leisurely look around the shops and it was nice just to wander around without being under pressure to buy anything.  It was just as well really because I had been in such a rush taking the grandkids to school this morning, that I forgot to take my handbag/purse, so Steph had kindly paid for the coffees.  After a good two hours I went home and low and behold B said he wanted to go Cwmbran to have a look around.  So back to Cwmbran I went with B in tow.   We were surprised how quiet it was considering we are nearing Christmas but were told by a shop assistant that it was the lull before the storm!  My blip is of a geranium in the garden, I was surprised to see it still flowering, but I suppose it has been quite mild.

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