She's back and she means business..

Oatie has been back every day since Saturday and now she is bringing her sisters.   
When I arrived home after a very early morning shop at the 24 hour supermarket, Oatie and 4 of her mates were lined up and tapping their beaks on the patio doors, no joke.   Hilarious and very sweet.

I then went off to see the oldsters.  Both in good spirits but neither of them able to get about too well.    They were behaving like a couple of naughty children to be honest.   I fed them their breakfast, cleaned and shopped for them, hung up their Christmas decorations, cooked and fed them lunch, bossed them about a bit more..... etc etc.      
Meanwhile I really am horribly far behind with Christmas preparations and it is my turn to work this weekend.   PANIC.

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