Points of red
The two little red ships against the grey of the Firth of Clyde and the sky which almost began to clear and then didn't are our lifeline ferries in this photo which I took from the McInroy's Point ferry terminal. I had to leave the car and walk right down to the fence to poke my phone between the struts to make sure I didn't have bars in my picture: I explained this to one of the Western Ferries staff who was looking oddly at me, but he looked unenlightened so I didn't pursue it.
The friend with whom I'd shared this outing to the hairdresser in Greenock was due to be on the opposite side of the water, just beyond where the dark of the second fold in the coastline meets the paler, distant hills on the right of the picture, due to be there ... well, while I was taking the photo.
She was late ...
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