
...and the world smiles

with you

don't you find that to be the truth? - or even for yourself? - when the situation is grim - or feels somewhat lackluster - offer up a grin - things will immediately seem - so much better especially when we're - not in control of what it - is that's going on around us

these past several days - since breaking my elbow at home on sunday - have renewed my faith in - my fellow human beings - with all the recent reports of - violence in the news and humans taking aim - at one another with assault rifles - in acts of terror - it's enough to make you question - to ask that 'what if' question - here it happened to me and i am - so very pleased to be able to report - that my neighbors have rallied around me - at a time when i need them most - bringing me meals - driving me to appointments - taking care of everyday things in my house - it's been very refreshing - in light of the depressing news items - which play across my tv screen each night - now that makes for...


happy day.....

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