Blackberry Way

By bridgeman

Old gig ticket - Sky

So it was 32 years ago today that I went to see Sky supported by Patrick Ros play at the Drury Lane Theatre Royal. Sky were probably a bit naff at the time, but I make no apologies, truth is that you got one of the world's foremost classical guitarists (John Williams), somebody who'd played in T. Rex (Herbie Flowers), one who'd played with Manfred Mann (Kevin Peek), and one who'd played on The Beatles' "A Day In The Life" (Tristan Fry). By this time Steve Gray had replaced original keyboardist Francis Monkman - but Gray's pedigree was just as good in the British jazz scene and on soundtracks (Mancini, Barry, Schifren). Essentially they all knew what they were doing and the band really rocked.

Alas, their numbers are depleted now, both Gray and Peek are now deceased. This was the last time I saw Sky, they were by now really coming off their peak, but were still a great live act.

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