A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Rain stopped play

Seems the council have had a wasted effort repainting the running track onto the common. For the second time in a fortnight Junior Sports Day is cancelled. Cue sad faces and much chocolate.

A was on a playdate after school so me and J had our own sports day on the Wii as a sort of consolation. It seemed to largely do the trick. Not least as he obviously won more than I did. Fortunatley I'm resigned to my winning days being behind me. Though it turns out I'm oddly good at shooting.

Most of the rest of the day has been spent working on my CV which it turned out was a start from scratch job, it being so long since I have last needed one. Once I got over the weird talking about yourself in the third person thing it wasn't too bad and I now have enough for Carl to add his two penneth.

Lesley x

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