Waddesdon Blipmeet

What a wonderful time I've had today meeting so many lovely blippers at Waddesdon, most for the first time. Well worth the two hour plus journey to get there! There was Chantler63, Loosecanon, Technophobe, Radiogirl, Hildasrose and her husband Rob, Landscapeartist, Bom, Merlotsdad, Beeonhive and B4YUU - such a great bevy of blippers!

Lots of chat and laughter, a visit to the house which had been beautifully decked out with Christmas trees and decorations, a totally delicious mulled wine tea (see the extra for just a small part), then outside again to see the light show - what a great day! :) 

Inside, we had to relinquish our tripods and, of course, we couldn't use flash, so photographing in such low light conditions was a bit tricky  but a fun challenge - I rather liked this shot with the camels :)

Chantler63 had us all grouped together for a photo which may well find its way into her journal. Thank you so much, Kathy, for organising it all! 

The photo has now been uploaded here! I'm in the back row in the middle :)

Many thanks for all the great comments, stars and hearts for yesterday's Abstract Thursday blip - very much appreciated, as always! I'm sorry there has been such a dearth of comments recently - I'll catch up when I can.........

Enjoy your weekend!


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