We drove to Langenthal and from there we walked around the sport airfield. The other way round now than the last time we came here and discovered the wide view in all directions.
At some places the wind blew rather cold. Since early morning the sun shone and that's why we had started before lunch. We sat at the highest point on the wooden bench for a while.
The earth of this Hölleberg is meagre and chalky, and a big sign showed that in summer one could see beautiful (wild) orchids and many special birds live there. Good to remember when spring and summer near.
In the morning I continued with the decoration and hung some fairy lights up. Every day a bit, I can manage that!

My haiku:

The cars on the roads
Looked if made for mice from here
And their movement slow

And the proverb:

I will throw you into Harborough field.

1678  Ray, 317.  .... A threat for children, Harborough having no field.

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