
You need a decent brolly when you're out walking on water in these conditions ...

I learnt that the friend I'd tried to call on yesterday in Kendal had to go into a hotel with 2 young children after the floods but is more settled somewhere else now although doesn't think they will be able to return home for months.

I see we are in for a long haul with Eamont Bridge as the damage has been found to be significantly worse than was thought with the central pier undermined. It is dispiriting to read some of the comments that people make about just wanting to demolish it and build another, and hearing the impatience and intolerance that emerges as people feel increasingly frustrated which I can understand but these have been exceptional conditions.  As for the A591 ... a massive undertaking. There is a link here for anyone interested.

p.s. speaking of miracles ... here is an additional blog by Fergus about Blipfuture .... our future ... please pledge if you can so that we can all keep blipping together (hopefully overseas will be sorted out soon too).

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