
I honestly did intend to stay at home and get the Christmas presents wrapped but the dry sky kept calling to me and it's much nicer doing exercise steps outside when the weather's mild!

We didn't go far and I needed wanted to go to the garden centre anyway to get a star for the Christmas tree! 

I can't tell you exactly where this is as my Google map couldn't really decide between Soham, Fordham, or Isleham...we had this whole field to ourselves though so Stella didn't care where we were! Watched on two sides by sheep and on one by horses, I didn't mind either :) 

I dithered over this or the black & white version but the lush green just won out in the end.

The geocache we went looking for I found really easily though it had a high difficulty rating. I'm wondering if that's because the footpath isn't actually marked anymore as I  certainly don't have any special cache tracking skills! 

It was the first time I'd seen instruction to take a toolkit with me though and you do need a screwdriver to retrieve the log signing bit of the cache.

Which brings me on to my latest advice seeking mission...where would be the best place to find a good backpack that will hold camera plus doggy stuff plus geocaching stuff plus water bottle and snacks? It would need to be strong and secure but also not too heavy as I am just a girl!

Recommendations please :) 

In extra good news steps target was reached relatively early today...5000 before lunch and a good deal of the rest I suspect was obtained dancing around the living room to the new Take That tour dvd when I should have been wrapping presents...procrastination is definitely my strong suit! 

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