Mr John

By MrJohn

A lame.....

Yes this photo is lame and it's of a duck, but I'm using it more as a metaphor for the position I am in at the moment.

Last night after finishing training with Spartan I went over on my ankle on a wet paving stone ( I was wearing my fell trainers which have a poor grip on shiny surfaces ). I thought nothing of it at the time and continued with another hour on the moor with Spartan blip hunting, but today my ankle has swollen up and is fairly sore. I am having to miss out on running tonight, but popped down to the tennis club where the Harriers meet up on a Tuesday night to drop of some leaflets.

This photo represents how I feel, sat on my own at home with my leg elevated and a pack of frozen peas on my ankle whilst everyone else is out running, OK the duck dosn't have its leg elevated or a pack of frozen peas and the other ducks are all settling down for the evening and not running, but you get the jist.

I've fresh tuna steaks in a soy dressing with chilly potatoes and a herb salad for dinner tonight and a black forest gateau desert for afters, that should cheer me up. All being well I'll be up and running again in a couple of days.

As I should be out running but have instead managed to sustain my first ( and hopefully last ) injury this year, todays blip is.....

..... A lame duck.

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