A Saturday Sleeper

Another Saturday night with the little man. The little man was tired. We picked him up at his house, and left there at 8:45 p.m. By the time we got home (7 miles away), he was slumped over in his car seat. Asleep, slumbering, zonked or conked out, taking a siesta, hibernating, napping, snoozing, visiting the land of Nod, and yes...I DO have a thesaurus.

3 things to notice about the picture:

1. He does like his stuffed animals. His new cheetah is in his arms, and Clifford, the Big Red Dog is just out of the picture on the bottom.
2. He does love the blankets that Grandma Shelley (Naturelover) makes him. He likes to wrap his pillow with one, and be covered up with another. Notice his right hand. He likes to stick his fingers through the holes. That's how he judges the afghan...on whether it has "nice holes."
3. Look at his mouth. He has a strange habit of sticking his lower lip under his top teeth. I took 3 pictures of him like that, but Grandma Lisa made me come back upstairs. "I don't like him to do that! I pulled his lip out! Come take the picture again!"

I mouthed my most-used 2 word phrase..."Yes dear." (Just kidding.)

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