Farewell for Now
Today was the last Bellingham Farmers Market for 2015, and the mood was spirited as folks purchased locally-made gifts, specialty foods, fresh vegetables, and much more on a cool but mercifully dry day.
These pretty glass ornaments caught my eye as I wended my way through the crowds, and I couldn't resist taking a photo of two of my favorite people and adding it to the extra photos "slot"! One of them is well-known here and the other is our artistic friend Jesse.
On a less festive note, I encourage you to visit Veronica's blip for December 19, and to take the time to read her words and follow the links. The subject matter continues to be relevant today, as refugees flee to our far wealthier nations, where the reception -- at least here -- is not always warm.
What happened to the spirit of ...for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me*...?
(Revised Standard Version)
Blip 1434
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