Respecting limits
Taking photos - disgusting
This afternoon, as I was taking a picture of this sign, I was challenged by a neighbour. Since there was no-one in the direction of my camera I was puzzled. I showed her the picture of the sign and it was her turn to be puzzled. First she asked why, then she told me I wasn't allowed to take a picture of her wall. I informed her that I was. She told me that I wasn't and that I should take my pictures in Egypt because it's better than here. There followed a long wide-ranging conversation (if a 95/5% division of speaking time can be so called) during which, among other things, she told me to prepare for judgement day. I'm intrigued by the ways people think so I listened. At length. We covered 9/11, drug dealers and the origin of morality. And hellfire. She then harangued the people who live at no x. I listened at more length and finally decided that I should own up that I am the people who live at no x. She was completely unfazed.
Eventually I told her I had to leave, and as I did she hissed after me, 'Taking photos - disgusting.'
The stupid thing is that this wouldn't have been my blip today if she hadn't interrupted me. I had quite a nice one of raindrops (yawn), but somewhat less to say about it.
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