how much longer can this last?
It’s not just these plants that are making hay while the sun shines - Blippers are as well. But when the cold winds do eventually come, the plants will have had it. I hope the same fate does not befall Blip.
I’ve just come across this post about Blip future - it talks about the numbers and makes salutary reading. I encourage you to read it, if you haven't already.
There is no doubt in my mind that Blip now provides THE motivation for my picture taking. I don’t have enough holidays to provide sufficient momentum to keep getting the camera out. A lack of grandchildren and pets acts in much the same way. As does living far from a beautiful coastline/mountain top/hillside or having an interesting and picturesque journey to work. You get the picture. (Whereas I often don’t).
Most of us take photographs to share with other people; to show where we’ve been, what we’ve done and sometimes to demonstrate pride or a sense of achievement in a well made image. And there’s nothing wrong with any of that. It’s what makes us human.
Through the wonder that is the internet, Blip has become my photography club; there’s a sense of community, learning and fun. Like any club I expect to pay for membership. I hope my fellow club members do too. Otherwise, much like my pelargoniums, Blip may not survive the winter.
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