Lady Darling

Back to the book of Edinburgh Establishment caricatures and verses of the 1940’s.    This is the only lady included.     Lady Darling was the wife of the Lord Provost, Sir William Darling.   The Darling family was one of the iconic Edinburgh retail businesses - in their case as drapers.    Alistair Darling, former Chancellor of the Exchequer, is a great-nephew of Sir William’s.

High place is hers  - but who shall say
She does not grace our City grey?
Our City has its pride of place,
And she too matches it with grace,-
Tall, winning, condescending, free,
She unbends alike to you and me -
Stoops - but to conquer - if you care,
Ours is a Lady Provost rare.

There is, I think, a sting in the tail there.   Reinforced in the caricature - as she accepts flowers from Sir William.   

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