Reindeer hunting

An early start, but parental error, Wom stirred, daddy went to him and mistook his pointing as a get me out of here, rather than I want a drink!
So 3am grumps.

Munchie stirred around 5 but I managed to contain her in her bed till her clock woke at 6am.

Daddy left for work, we played then went and did lots of present drop offs and chores. Both children fell asleep coming back from the furthest drop off so I aborted the post office mission.


Headed to the Cobb house this pm to see and feed the reindeers. Slightly miffed to be able to see one, but unable to feed it as it was fenced in! Still, we had great fun feeding the goats and the chickens. Wom squealed with delight at the chickens pecking all around him.

Popped in to see auntie Katie on way home.


Lots of tired cuddles, bath done, Wom crashed, not surprising as he only and the 30 minutes in the car. Munchie has taken longer but she did have 2 hours sleep today.

Girls are coming round in bit for catch up, better go and tidy up.

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