Jenners Christmas Tree

Why are you wearing work clothes, asked BB when I went in to say bye bye to him this morning (he was still in bed).  I replied, because I am going to workBut what about me, he asked with a worried look.  Daddy day care, I replied.  BB was then up and watching TV by the time I left, while TT was still in bed.

Work was a bit thin on the ground people-wise today, and I am sure there will be fewer as the week goes on.  It was definitely more relaxed which is a good thing.  I even managed a plastic tumbler of lukewarm white wine at a senior manager’s Christmas drinks reception .

My bus home took ages to get out of Edinburgh, which I think was due to shopper traffic, so I got home slightly later than I would have liked.  The boys have had a busy day tidying, shopping and posting.  I will have to send them out to post again tomorrow!

I had to go out at lunchtime for an emergency Christmas present.  While in Jenners I remembered to go and have a look at the tree – which I think is better than the one they had last year.

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