The buying frenzy begins

It was just starting as I came out of the supermarket this morning ...fortunately for me it was quiet as I did the final Christmas shop at about 9am.

It was 10 am when I emerged no worse for wear & headed off to deliver the last of the cards. 1st stop Ron & June then Sally & Mark then Sue & Ralph before arriving at the chemist to pick up my missing prescriptions which the Dr swore were there this time....but no such luck. Back to the Surgery where they said that the Chemist had had the scripts. Back to the Chemist where they found one of them but no trace of the other. Fed up with chasing so have given up - suddenly realised that I had forgotten the Ice Cream so called at the Co-Op on way home. In at 11.00.

We are out again this am as C is due back at the opticians to pick up her new specs & I need to go to the bank.

Hopefully home then to see Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom plus a bit of wrapping.

Just about to tuck in to Bread & cheese for lunch .....

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