A Steadier Footing

By thechoirvandal


Okay, so today i spent 5 HOURS at B&H Photo/Video in Manhattan. Don't ask, if it wasn't one thing keeping me there it was another. But finally and at long last I walked out the door with the D90 kit (includes a 18-105mm) and basic accessories (8gb SDHC, carrying case, etc).

I have been looking at DSLR cameras for 3 years now. I almost got one two years ago and I almost didn't get one this time around. Now that I have it, well, it's amazing. I am asking now whether or not I should keep it or get something like a G10 (though I know how Joe feels about those buggers), but by the time the decision is made there might be no going back.

Why I have any hesitation, you might ask? Well, expense mostly. At the end of it all it came out to about $1600, quite a chunk of change for a starving college student. But also convenience. The capabilities of the DSLR are unparalleled, for sure. But being able to stash an advanced point and shoot in my pocket and go is definitely a factor for a college student that is always running around and occasionally going to venues not DSLR-friendly (i.e. concerts and parties).

Well, if you have an opinion I'd love to hear it.

Oh, and whatever I decide the new camera should mean i'm back on blipfoto full-time. I'll be happy to be back.

[a year ago today: knotty]

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