The Winter Solstice (Northern Hemisphere)

Depending on which report you read, this years Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere (Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere) occurred sometime between 04:48 and 04:54 GMT/UTC (AM) ...
What this means, of course, is that the days in the Northern Hemisphere will now begin to get a bit longer ... (or, at least, the actual days will still be 24 hours long, but the amount of daylight within those 24 hours will increase) ... :o)
To mark the occasion, I was hoping to capture a lovely sunrise ... or, if all else failed, a lovely sunset ... The powers that be, however, (ie: "The Weather Gods") had quite different ideas ... :o\
From the word "go" this morning, it has been overcast, damp, drizzly and, to be honest, downright miserable ... :o(
So here's a frog instead ... :o)

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