
By Yeda

The Cat From Hell

No, actually, it's from the backyard neighbor's. It tends to roam quite freely in our yard, which is annoying. Don't get me wrong -I like most cats, but this cuddly mess of fur, is from hell. Psychotic.

Everyday it slinks around my house reminding me what went down between us nearly two years ago today. I was quite new to Christchurch, had just found a place to let my son go to Kindergarten.

It was a fine spring day,not too different from today, & my 2year-old daughter is helping me hang the laundry when the phone rings. It's the police returning my phone call. I locked myself out of the house when I took out the laundry to hang (but didn't forget my phone). They said they called a locksmith for me and to expect him soon. I thanked them profously, hung up and turned around to find this cat mauling my daughter.

She was so tramautised that she never let out a scream. My daughter, animal lover of the year, couldn't breath much less cry for help. The cat bolted away the minute it saw me, leaving a bloody and now screaming mess. That cat managed to scratch her from ear to ear all around the hairline. Horrific.

By the time I could calm her down & clean her up, I was seriously late picking up my son from Kindy. I really can call it one of the most horrible days of my life. It has kept its distance since then, but not far enough in my opinion. I wonder how many lives this cat really has...

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