Profile of a .... cat

Continuing the theme of bits of Maggie (claw and nose) and as the promised visit to the vet took place, I will use this photo which was a lying-on-the-floor-totally-wrong-lens-on-the-camera-but-kinda-cool sort of shot. (Note the rainbow whisker!)

Took Mags to the vet today for the promised (threatened?) manicure and also talked about a recent tendency for her (Maggie that is, not the vet) to eat breakfast, drink a lot of water and then deposit the whole lot back up on the floor. Vet said could be thyroid as Maggie's heart rate was quite high so took some bloods and urine samples. The vet also detected a slight heart murmur so she is checking for what that might mean too. Poor Maggie, tough getting old.

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