
By Nairnite

Cottage garden

Hollyhocks and Geraniums.

Geraniums are told in the story of one of Nairn's sons, John MacGregor VC, MC & Bar, DCM. He emigrated to Canada from here when he was 21. On his travels from the east to the west coast he became employed as a cowboy. When he was out on the plains he came across a Cree Indian with a broken leg. He managed to get him back to his village where he was rewarded with Geranium seeds. The geranium plant apparently, when crushed and mixed with grease is a good midge repellant.

When John reached the West coast he became a trapper up the Skeena River from Prince Rupert. One day a ranger came by his log cabin and told him that Britain was at war. He trecked through the snow for 5 days to join up in the Canadian army. Over the course of the 1st world war John became Canada's most highly decorated soldier.... still. He should have got the MC 3 times but it is incredible that he should have been awarded the 3 highest decorations available to NCO's and Officers. He recieved both as he was commisioned in the field.

He joined as a private, left as a Major and in WWII became Lt Col in charge of the Training Battalion he had joined as a private. He died of cancer in 1952 having been misdiagnosed for 2 years with 'Involutionary Psycosis' ,branded a malingerer and placed in a state mental institution. He is buried in Powell River BC which became his home. His life story reads like a boys own adventure.

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