Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan

One of the images from our trash the dress shoot, in PARIS!

More images can be found here.

All photo credit to Stuart Craig photography.

Today was absolutely exhausting, we were up at 5am and at the Eiffel Tower by 6.30 to avoid the crowds (ridiculously, there was rather a lot of people there!) It was rainy, cool and cloudy and getting the images we wanted proved rather tricky. At least being up so early broke us in gently to being the total centre of attention! We took the metro back to the hotel at around 10, when this image was taken. Its absolutely one of my favourites, followed by the one taken just after where we are laughing as we nearly fell over kissing it was so bumpy! Chris and I then went out and about on our own, we picked up some pastries and just wandered. It was pouring of rain by this time and so we got scammed into spending 6euros on a rubbish Paris umbrella (we had our wedding one but had left it at the hotel!). Eventually it was time to make our way back to the hotel and get ready for the afternoon shoot. There were A LOT more people about at this time and EVERYONE was staring! I found it easier just to avoid all eye contact and pretend it was totally normal to walk around in wedding gear in Paris and that helped! By 5ish we had finished for the day and we hobbled back to the hotel. My feet were totally ruined (bleeding ruined!) and I struggled to walk later when we went out for dinner (more crepes and cidre, yuuum). As nice as it would have been to have seen Paris at night we were asleep by 10 and it was still light outside!

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