Need a Bigger Telescope

Another day of working from home for both Annie and I, what a rare treat for a Wednesday. Amongst a few teleconference calls, many old e-mails were deleted. Hopefully nothing that turns out to important in the New Year (I was checking!!).

Our cat (Yogi) has been a little bit unwell and quite sullen over the past few days. Rather than wait till post Christmas, we bit the bullet and took him to the vet this evening. The vet identified nothing obviously wrong so he was given an anti-inflammatory jab to see if it will settle things down. True to form, as soon as we got home he was full of energy and ate his dinner like food was about to go out of fashion! Fingers crossed.

I enjoyed watching the moon appear in and out of the clouds as I drove back from another visit to Tesco this evening so got the big lens out when I got home for a few shots.

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