Still in Progress

I love Wednesdays. I get to paint and hang out with a great group of artists. Today was a special day. Each year during the week before Christmas we have a pot luck lunch and those who want to bring a painting to exchange. We wrap them so nobody can see them. Trish assigns numbers and we draw numbers to see which one we get. The next person can steal your pick and if they do you pick again. I started with Erin's gift but it got stolen. Next I got Cathy's. I liked both and got to keep Cathy's. Oddly this is the third year in a row where I got her painting so now I have three. Two are hanging in my entry way and the third will soon be there too.

Helena arrived as she always does after painting. She lives in walking distance of the studio so I always bring her home for the evening. Today my friends told her what a hero she was in taking care of Arvin when he hurt his hand. I think she was well pleased. Me too.

We picked up Arvin, did some shopping and had dinner out. Then we came home and watched some TV. Soon we were all ready for an early bed time so we called a taxi and she headed home. I have pretty much given up night driving.

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