Braving the rain

Unfortunately, I appear to be developing a lurg. Sneezing. Headache. Everything feels harder than yesterday.

However, this morning I chose to try myself with a bowl of muesli, yoghurt and plums. Have been having (and enjoying) porridge, yogurt and fruit for breakfast, and I figured it was time to try myself with something requiring more chewing. Managed it fine, but because my jaw remains poorly aligned due to persistent swelling, it was an effort. That was compounded when for lunch I had left over mince and rice. 

Late this afternoon we went out to Glen Eden to daughter J's wee home to share in Christmas Eve drinks and socialisation. My photos of interiors were shockingly poor, so a photo of a blackbird on the driveway during a short break between all the rain, is my photo for today.

I wish all who visit my journal today a Merry and Happy Christmas, wherever possible with the important people in their life.

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