Life through the lens...

By ValC

La Belle Vendangeuse

In the very small village of Piegon ( pronounced Pay Gone as we found out! )high in the hillside, in the Drome, between Vaison la Romaine and Nyons you will come across this HUGE carving.
It was carved into the hillside by Jean Pierre Eichenberger in 1970, and symbolises the importance of the grape vine in this area.

Each year the village has a festival to commemorate this carving, which I think is the first weekend in July.

What a wonderful sight, and the view from here is magnificent too.
A patchwork of olive groves, vines, apricot trees ( now perfectly ripe and delicious!) corn fields,cherry trees,(now over) peaches( not yet ripe), dotted all over the valley. Truely beautiful.

Very hot again and sunny!

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