Roseburn Gardens
Merry Cigsmas!
Firstly a huge and heartfelt thanks for the love shown to last week's traumatic news. Popular page, eh?
Just because I'm not blipping, doesn't mean I'm not looking. I have been increasingly widening the net for a couple of months now, detouring down streets, taking meandering routes to and fro in an effort to turn up new stuff to Cigsblip, but with a few exceptions, there's just nothing there to blip.
Except - uber Cigspotter ambioran has turned up one I had previously missed; good work! So consider this the Cigs Christmas Special, if you like. Right after the Queen's Speech, the bit where you doze off...
2 x white pen / undated ones. And unusually not cooncil bins; these are private trade ones. I'm not sure I have examples of Cigs on non cooncil bins elsewhere.
And as if incentive was needed, I have decided to not have turkey until I find another Cigs. I'm off out now to see what gifts Santa has left me...
Wishing you all a Merry Merry Christmas! xx
Extra - if it wasn't tough enough - when Newcastle tagger Figs comes to town and plasters his name all over the shop, it's not helpful....
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