Gitama's World

By Gitama

Christmas Day Full Moon

After a rather wet and rainy  start to Christmas day (just lovely if we could of stayed in bed snuggled under the covers) .....we got up and opened all the presents ....needless to say that little guy made off like a bandit....although...not too was nice to see that he appreciated and savoured each it took a good hour or so unwrapping.

The afternoon fined up lovely so after our late lunch/early dinner...tummies packed to the gunnels we waddled down the beach to watch the sun set and the full moon rise.

Just bloody gorgeous..... it was worth it to wait for the moon to clear the clouds....she did not disappoint. The extra is a kinda romantic one of Holly and Morris (who shared our day) watching the moon rise.

I am so tired I can hardly string two words together now.....I hope its cool tomorrow so I can have a bit of a lie in.

Hope everyone had a fabulous day...or perhaps still having it.

“Never underestimate how much assistance, how much satisfaction, how much comfort, how much soul and transcendence there might be in a well-made taco and a cold bottle of beer.” 
Tom Robbins

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