Christmas Day - 2015

Dear Diary,

Such a beautiful sunset last night.  After days of cloudy and rain it was such a treat to see.  The Christmas Eve children's mass was filled and St. Andrews was so beautifully lit with candles everywhere.  I go to hear the children's homily, with all the little ones sitting on the steps to the altar listening the Christmas story.  Then they bring the figures to the creche; all the traditional ones as well as local favorites like moose, deer, otter and fox!

This is my manger and this year its message is even more poignant for me.  Mary and Joseph were homeless that night as many around the world are today.  The Holy Family had to flee an oppressive dictator with their new baby and become refugees in a foreign land.  I think of all the children around the world who have "no crib for a bed", who shiver in the cold and wait.  They will not be brought gold and frankincense and myrrh.  They will be reviled and feared in many cases.  For many of them, there truly is no room at the inn.

So this Christmas Day I will think about those other refugees, of all faiths, who wish only for the gift of freedom and a place to call home.  That is the true meaning of this day for me.   That love is the only way forward.  That is what the babe in the manger in Bethlehem brought for us but it is up to us to receive the gift and open our hearts.  I pray that the American people can put aside their fear and hatred and welcome these refugees into our land.  It is the very essence of who we are as a people and we mustn’t allow self-seeking politicians to sway us from our better angels.

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