Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Pale Sunlight on Gladhouse Reservoir

A much shorter ride than normal, but it is a lot breezier than expected. Gusts make it the bike ride more interesting than it should be. I therefore decide on a short ride around Midlothian, Eskbank, Bonnyrigg, Carrington, Temple, Gladhouse and Penicuik.

I pass Dobbies without meeting a lot of traffic. From Eskbank, there's quite a bit of traffic heading to the A7, and it is quite noisy. At least the road from Bonnyrigg to Carrington is nice and quite. Getting up to Temple from Carrington proves a little challenging. Cycling up hill in to the stiff breeze slows me down quite a bit. The sheep give me bemused looks as I pass them. The rain has that stinging exfoliating quality.

At Gladhouse, a pale sun peeps out from behind the clouds, so I stop to take a photo. From here its down to the Top Gear Road and Pomathorn Road to Penicuik. More stinging rain. At least from Penicuik, the wind is on my back and it doesn't take long to get home.

Definitely earned my coffee and cake. My partner and I go to Newington in search of last minute Christmas presents, mainly slippers for twin 1. On the bus back, my partner leaves her hat on the bus. Ah well, I know what I have to buy her for Christmas.

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