
By Saffi

Double act

Here are the twins, part of the bunch T bought the other day. They are in their own pen away from the others as we are giving them extra attention. Their eartags look like enormous earrings but by the time the calves are fully grown the tags will be hardly noticeable and partially hidden by hair.

Another derpressingly wet day until the late afternoon when the sun decided to show itself. T could not do a lot of work outside so he had arranged to get up at 4 am and help out on another farm! He briefly returned before lunch time to load up some straw for a customer and he and I then decided to move the suckler herd with their calves back into the barn since they were bawling and about to break through the hedge into the cornfield. Their field was miserable with mud and not much left to eat. T then disappeared again til early evening when he decided to move the other cows and the bull so no doubt we will be called any minute now to help him!

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