
The day after Thanksgiving my computer heaved a sorrowful sigh and finally gave up.  It had been threatening to do so for several weeks and my son (working on it remotely from San Francisco) and I had tried various fixes but to no avail.  So, I shipped it off to him so he could work his magic, which he did, and then he returned it to me and then it promptly kicked the bucket for good.  We were both frustrated and ready to give up, but bless his heart, my son persevered, along with Apple's help, and yesterday the rejuvenated computer arrived on my doorstep clearly feeling much, much better.  For the first couple of weeks it was gone I continued to take my daily pictures fully intending to back-blip but then that got out of hand and I gave up.  I think it's fitting that my first blip after all that trauma is on Christmas day -- my last one was on Thanksgiving.  The picture is of Izzy, my grandson's dog -- 8 pounds of cute.  We had Christmas dinner at their house today which was lovely. 

I'll spend the next few days catching up and commenting on all the journals I love, and also catching up on what's going on with Blip.  

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.

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