
On Christmas Day, "our" children A and J arrived with their dad to celebrate Christmas a second time. All of a sudden, grandma's and grandpa's apartment seemed so small! I was happy, because A and J like to play with me. There was another smörgåsbord with Christmas songs being sung during the meal, and another set of presents were opened. I played happily with my squirrel that my friend Dolly sent me, occasionally helping someone with their unwrapping.

In the evening, Alex stayed with us. She played and played and played with me, much better than mum does! I got the tiniest bits of marshmallow Santa because it was, after all, Christmas. Yay! I showed Alex all my presents and she thought they were awesome!

My tummy is much better. I still eat medicines several times a day, and diet food, but I feel great and back to normal. Happy and grateful!

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