
By LadyPride

Keeping up appearances

I spoke some utter tosh before I had a baby. On and on I went to anyone who'd listen about how I wouldn't be one of those Mums that would let herself go. How I would shower every morning and keep up with personal grooming. Hell, I'd be channelling Yummy Mummyness that much, I might even look better than I did before!

Reality klaxon!!! I've now had the baby and let me tell you, I look like hell. I'm lucky if I shower before 2pm. My eyebrows are feral, my clothes covered in baby sick, my stomach slack and there is no make up in the world that can hide the fact that I have averaged 2-4 hour broken sleep a night for the past month. If this isn't "letting go", I don't know what is.

It's tough. I mean looking nice is as much for our own self esteem as anything else. I'm not going to lie, I've struggled with it. I know my face and body are a billboard telling the outside world that I'm not the same person, that things aren't as they were. That I'm knackered and flabby.

My pre-pregnancy clothes are too tight and I'm at least a stone heavier than I've ever been in my life. Yet I'm not supposed to exercise for another few weeks - errr but when would I find the time anyway? This sucks.

I'm in survival mode. I just have to keep slapping the make-up and sunglasses on and try to stop worrying about it. I have a husband and daughter who love me regardless and its time to say goodbye to my shallow side, once and for all.

Having said all that, pictured is my ultimate life-saving beauty product. Chanel's Eclat Lumiere. It can't hide the big dark circles under my eyes completely but it has a damn good try. Merci Chanel, Merci.

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