
By tookie

Christmas in the Fifties!

I found an old Christmas picture of myself and my three brothers taken by my Dad sometime in the 1950's....I was probably 9 or 10 here.  I was outflanked by folks had their hands full with the four of us. It was like raising two separate older brother and I were raised one way...then my younger two with a lot less "supervision" if you will.  My folks were tired I think and the younger two got away with a lot more and gave my folks quite a run for their money.  My older brother and I were quieter and behaved better---at least for the younger years we made few waves.  I broke out of that when I found what my mother described as " a disconcerting independence" in her annual Christmas letter in the late sixties.  I think I just found "my voice" and felt more comfortable expressing my views that I had kept to  myself for too long.  :)    Also going off to college and seeing more of the world and more diversity of views challenged me to think and dissect what I read and saw with a closer and deeper view.  Some of my childhood teachings were more cloudy as I listened to what others were saying....some things just made no sense anymore and other things made more sense.  It is all about sifting values and finding those that really make sense I think...seeing life in a more real way as one does when one gets out in the "world" and on one's own.  While I am forever thankful for the core values of love and kindness and compassion I was taught ....I also value being able to move forward and learn from those who differed from me and who brought other cultural norms and values to my life.   I ramble...Happy Holidays and memories of past ones to all of you.  May the better memories begin to overshadow any of the sadder ones!

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