Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


Stolen iPad from hoomin mummy cause I need the world to know how much of a rubbish day my 6th birthday has been.

So it started off awesome I got a new squeaky Kong but then the cats kept shouting at me to stop squeaking and mummy was upset cause I wouldn't play with the boring ball she brought me.

A little later Daddy put my harness on and I thought woohoo I'm going for my special birthday walk but no can you guess where they took me?


Tescos! Can you believe they took me to the blooming supermarket on my birthday. The supermarket is rubbish I have to stay shut in the car.

They weren't too long and I thought woohoo walkies time and somewhere special as we went on the big vroom road, can you guess where we ended up?

No it wasn't the Peak District or anywhere in Derbyshire, nor South Yorkshire. No country park, or even park. Oh no it was the outlet shopping village.

Come on rubbish, I'm a dog what am I gonna do at a shopping village. Mummy and Daddy walked to a boring shop and I had to wait outside with Mummy while Daddy spent his Christmas money. Daddy came out empty handed and so Mummy went in, more waiting for me. However I did get lots of cuddles.

Mummy came out with a big bag and yep not for me. I then got dragged to Costa where I did get some cream from Daddies latte and a bit of bacon from Mummies posh sandwich.

Then I thought it was gonna be time for walkies. Nope more shops. I did get lots of cuddles though, oh and then a nice lady said I could come into their shop, that was awesome. I was allowed into an actual shop, a proper hoomin shop and I got to help Mummy buy a new coat, so that must mean walkies soon.

We then came home and I got ignored while they set up the new thing that means less walkies and even more ignoring me :(

Oh but Mummy did add carrot and a sausage to my dinner.

I guess it's not really been such a bad day, squeaky balls, lots of cuddles and a yummy dinner.

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