campervan man

By campervan

Wow Wow Wow

Weather bad all morning but still decided to go to East Rudham to see the Olympic Torch going through North Norfolk.
Never been to the village before so parked and wandered along until we got to the end of the crowd barriers. It was on the main road and every lorry that went passed managed to splash us so legs were very wet.
We waited for some time, the crowds built up; the local school kids lined the road opposite, waving flags.
Then the sun came out, a police outriders went passed tooting their horns and waving, a couple of sponsors lorries went by and then a coach came along and stopped right in front of us. The door opened and a lady got out, with a large golden torch. The coach went off and the lady, Lisa stood waiting. We not only chatted to her, we also touched the torch. Magic moment. Then a man came running round the corner with a lit torch. The two met, the torches "kissed", the flame passed from him to her and off she went, to loud cheers and waving of hands and flags.
It sounds silly but the whole thing was quite emotional. A wonderful day

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