Immortalized in paint

Madame approves and so do we. Subjunctive has outdone herself with this absolute attitudinally artistic ace on canvas. We see this look everyday as Raspberry commands her humans to dish out her meals. Three times a day (or more), she sits in a certain corner position at what we call her Food Court. Silently drilling us with her eyes, she wills us to open the drawer with the spoons, then on to open the refrigerator and grace her dish with her Rad Cat Turkey meat. The look flashes across her face as she races from the hall to her cat-flap to the barn and loft, or when she smells a whiff of a Dr. Stuart's Valerian teabag. Our wild and incredibly loving Abyssinian girl, captured in paint.

Yesterday we sat in the dining room having our Maine summer meal, coughing and smiling with Paula's portraits of Max looking at us from the walls. They are beyond excellent and mean the world to us. I'm a painter myself and I am so smitten with these works, but only photograph our Raspberry, These works are intimate and spot on, paintings of the true heart and soul of our fine feline friends. 

I'm about same today, fighting the jitters and speeding around the house from the prednisone that's supposed to clear my airways, BUT I'm supposed to be resting. T is coughing and congested, but seem s to be skirting anything worse. I only have one more dose of the steroid, so I hope I can simmer down soon and sleep and rest. I am improving, but patience is not my strong suit...drained away in my kindergarten teaching years.

For the Record,
This day came in warm and unseasonable yet again.

All hands trying their best to improve.

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