
By Exbeeb

Couldn't spot anything to go with either Independence Day or the discovery of a particle at teh LHC which could be the Higgs Boson (or at least a type of Higgs Boson!). So you have a poppy instead:)

I did manage to watch the feed from CERN this morning as they explained the respective results from the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the Large Hadron Collider. Most of it went over my head, but I have to keep up with it in order to converse with son number one!

The fact that it is a particle they have discovered and not necessarily the Higgs Boson that will make the Standard Model of Quantum Mechanics work, means it will be years yet before physicists finish theorising and observing at the LHC.

Just think, if there were some way of disturbing the Higgs Boson / Higgs Field, you could make anything weigh nothing - then you could travel at the speed of light! For me, I'll just have to stop eating doughnuts to move the dial in the right direction:)

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