Feet up

An horrendous weather day. After a quick visit to the shops and to the elderly relatives, our son and I headed to North Berwick. My bother and family were staying with my mother and an afternoon meal was laid on. While we took the puppy my wife and our daughter were laid low with coughs and colds.

The drive down was similar to the trip to Dumfries a few weekends ago - see 5 December. Even on today day I did not set off the proximity alarms but today, driving gently through a flooded area all the alarms were bleeding indicating the water level was high. Got through ok but on the way home several hours later that toad was closed.

A lovely meal was followed by the Reading/Wolves match. Not my normal football viewing but as my brother has lived in the south for over 30 years, much of that time near Reading, that is the team they support.

I used my phone for this experience in disappointment. Despite lots of action with Reading more often in the opponents' half they could just not get the ball into the net.

Still, it was good to catch up and relax.

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